Eight additional resources your pupils need to pass their GCSEs

Being a teacher or tutor, you are only as good as your last set of pupils.

And as you well know, May and June will come round in a flash, so you don’t need us to tell you that for teachers, tutors and of course students, this time of year can be an apprehensive time full of worry.

But it doesn’t have to be like this if you ensure both you and your pupils are prepared. We’ve put together a selection of recommendations that may give your students that little extra push and support they need…


Exam countdown

This is a great little app for making sure your pupils know exactly when they have exams. Boasting some great reviews, it claims to have helped students all around the world organise their time and prioritise their work.

You can download Exam countdown on the App Store here.


Available on Macs, SelfControl is a free open-source application for OS that allows people to put a block on certain websites and servers that may distract them. The perfect addition to the student tech tool-kit.

You can download SelfControl here.

Revision tools


This is a nifty little tool that can be tailored to each student’s learning styles, and play to their strengths and weaknesses. Powerful mind maps, quizzes, notes, flashcards and slides allow users to develop a personal learning bundle that works for them.

You can download Goconqr here.


Quizlet is a fantastic little platform that makes it easy to learn about almost anything. Used by students to create handy revision flashcards, as well as teachers and tutors to keep them engaged, the platform states that an impressive 95% of students who have used the platform showed improved results.

You can download Quizlet here.

English focused

Oxford A-Z of Grammar and Punctuation

With the rise of predictive text, text speak and of course emojis, we are at risk of bringing up a generation that doesn’t know the difference between ‘their, there and they’re’, ‘where, were and we’re’ and ‘your and you’re’, not to mention the myriad of other grammar catastrophes we see in everyday life. The Oxford A-Z of Grammar and Punctuation is the Holy Grail, containing everything anyone would want to know about English grammar and punctuation. Try suggesting pupils split up the sections with coloured tabs to make it seem less daunting!

You can buy ‘Oxford A-Z of Grammar and Punctuation” on Amazon here.

Grammar Up

Grammar Up is an app that uses technology to teach children all about verbs, nouns, transitions, tenses and everything else that goes along with the English language. It can be easier to understand and a lot less daunting to dive into than the above, and of course can be opened anywhere!

You can download Grammar Up on the App Store here

Maths focused


Videos are a great way to help people improve their skills, and YouTube is full of amazing GCSE maths-focussed videos. GCSE Maths Revision’s channel is one of the most engaging thanks to usually short videos that break topics up into easy to understand chunks. Of course, you’ll need to research which ones are the best to recommend for your curriculum.


Revising is one of the best ways for kids to swot up on their knowledge. But revising alone doesn’t prepare them for the questions they may face. And that’s where SchoolExams.co.uk comes in. Designed with children taking GCSEs in mind, the practice papers ensure those who are about to embark on a GCSE exam can do so safe in the knowledge they know what to expect when they enter the exam room and for what they’re going to be marked.

Find out more about SchoolExams.co.uk and how they can help your students prepare for what may be headed their way.

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